Honduran Coffee.

A Coffee Lover’s paradise.

From the mountains of western Honduras, there comes some of the most delicious coffee grown anywhere in the world. Coffee lovers whom have experienced these unique blends will never go back to the usual coffee found in many coffee shops around the world.

We provide to demanding clients, the very best in diversity and flavors that will make your coffee shop the talk of the town, and create returning customers for years to come.

The high altitude coffee growing farms result in beans that have very unique tastes.

The coffee beans are picked when fully ripe, resulting in the best tasting flavors possible.

When roasting the temperatures are carefully monitored and a variety of blends are developed.

All our products are packed in environmental friendly material, as we ensure that the product is grown, packed and transported to final destinations with responsibility and quality.

“Proudly 100% Honduran products”

Our coffee is cultivated by local farmers, using centuries old farming methods that respect mother nature in very remote locations, serving to provide employment opportunities to these struggling farmers.